So someone emailed me today about the Condom Cash hosted page peel ads telling me that he was going to be removing them from his site because he wasnt selling anything or sending any additional traffic.

I asked him to send me a URL so i could check that he had set everything up okay and he had but, instead of actually taking a few extra minutes to target the page peel ads to his site (which was twink based) he had a pagepeel going to Only Bears because one of his friends told him that site sold really well for him.

Why do affiliates still not get the fact that selling porn site memberships isnt going to happen by 'magic' and that they actually need to do some research and work on their own to find out what works?

I mean, if i had a site that was twink themed i certainly wouldnt be putting up banner ads to mature guy sites, yet affiliates do this all the time then complain when they arent making any sales, i just dont get it.

There really does need to be some kind of proficiency test that has to be taken before someone becomes and adult webmaster i think it would make life so much easier for many of us in the long-term.

