I'm going to be selling a GLBT themed product through the mail, but it's something I can't create in huge quanitity right away. How should I go about pricing things so that people don't scoff at the high price, but so that I can ensure a small volumn of daily sales? It's a fine line, and I don't want to cross into extremely over-priced. Since this is pretty much a new market, I can't really price based on competition.

Also, what happens if the product is so popular that I can't possibly keep up with sales? I'm imagining a back-order charge-back fee nightmare scenario i'd rather avoid. Should I hold off until I can make a large quantity to begin with, or stick with my idea of made-as-ordered? I have no capital so it's almost not possible to make a lot to begin with, or "hire" friends to help fill orders.

If ANYONE is willing to invest the $600 I need to start this thing up, I would sign a contract to pay them back $100 a month for 10 months. I know for a fact it would be worth it to me so i'm willing to do about anything to get together the money! If anyone has any other ideas on how to go about raising this kind of cash, let me know!