We are getting ready to sell off some of our older content, mostly stuff we've never used that predates Gaybucks.

Most of the sets are video only (no or few stills), and most has 10 or 15 min interviews plus a solo that's 10 to 20 minutes. Very small handful of 2 and 3 ways. We will most likely be selling semi-exclusive (something like 6 sets), though we might consider exclusive deals for some sets.

I'm curious how content buyers prefer to get the video content:

- Edited or unedited
- high res AVI/QT
- Flash
- WMV/MPG/H.264

and what delivery media (DV tape, DVD, etc) and also what the price range people are typically paying.

These guys are almost all 18-24, but not Boyfunk types. Some are straight. Some scenes are outside, some inside in hotel rooms, mostly. Proper 2257 for everything, of course.

We'll have a little site up for it pretty soon, just trying to get a handle on how best to prepare it to make it most convenient.