I know that this is a business thread
But.. It is nice to smile while you work.
I started a similar thread over at another board and it seemed to go over REALLY BIG!
I know for me I like to get to know who Im talking to and working with. I mean why do we have to spend thousands of dollars to go out to vegas to have a good time when we have platform such as GWW to do it over the internet..
I think this ends up especially fun for the newer webmasters that doesnt know everyone else, so that when they do come to the shows they dont feel so alone and can pick people out they saw on here..
So what Im saying is.. Lets share some pics and reminisce if you will over some old good times and also get to know some of the people we dont know in here as much as we would all like too.. A believe a community is sort of like a family even if it is a buisness oriented community so in part this is getting some future business out of the way. :french:
Anyone wanna join in and share some pics with me? :crazy: