Reading the threads as I do daily I am always amazed at the webmaster that seem so conservative...and they are nearly always Americans. I have moved from the USA because I do not like the changes in the past few years...but I am amazed (there is the word again) at the comments from fellow American webmaster.

Your government wants to wipe you out...yet, you defend them. Can you say denial of reality! Really...wake up!

Americans are so fucking conservative and repressed!! They go to a shit hole like Las Vegas and think they had a good time because they can gamble. Well guess the majority of the world you can gamble and it is no big fucking deal!

Yes, in some countries you can for sex without worrying about Big Brother looking over your shoulder and telling you how bad that is!

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee for once in your lives. The world is a big place...unless you have an American Mind Set. Very sad indeed.
