It seems these days many of the major companies in adult have 1 high profile affiliate rep posting on the message boards and it started me wondering, when (and if) that rep leaves, the company they were repping for is going to have a hard time filling that persons shoes.

Why do companies constantly just have 1 high profile rep taking care of their business on the various industry message boards when it is a lot safer to have 2 or more doing the work so that should 1 of them leave, there is always going to be someone there to pick up the slack whilst a replacement staff member is found.

It just seems like companies try to get away with the minimum amount of staff possible when it comes to customer relations over the past few years and i wondered why, given some of the high profile reps that have changed jobs in the past couple of years.

What are your thoughts on this, should sponsors, hosting companies, content providers, traffic brokers and the likes have a minimum of 2 reps on hand to deal with customers on the industry boards as 'standard'?

