Actually, a couple of questions to those of you that build free sites on a regular basis....

1) Why do very few free sites seem to have an FPA between the index page and navigation page these days, in days past i made most of my sales via the FPA before surfers even got to the content, do you think if i used this older method of building on some new hosted free sites for Condom Cash it would be seen a plus or a negative?

2) When it comes to the 'content' on the free site, do you think matching up the header graphics and promo materials with the models being used on the free site will ensure better click thrus to the tour or wont it have any effect?

Right now im working on some movie sites and im wanting to build free hosted sites that utilize both stills and movies for the content but im wanting to go 'old skool' with the designs and wondered what you thought about that?

