auDA, the .au Domain Administrator, has announced the one millionth registration for a .au domain name. According to the .au domain custodians, one million registrations for the Australian domain represents phenomenal growth over the past five years.

"We are pleased to announce that the 1 millionth .au domain registration is," said Chris Disspain, auDA’s CEO. "We congratulate the Registrant of for being part of this momentous occasion."

Adrian Kinderis, Managing Director of AusRegistry, the Registry Operator and wholesale provider for all commercial and non-commercial .au domain names concurs, "We too offer our congratulations, 1 million .au domains is a huge achievement for the .au namespace and for Australian internet users. It was only 5 years ago the tally was close to 250,000."

Mr Kinderis stated, “Small to medium business owners are responsible for the majority of the .au domain name registrations, so we are thrilled that Elite Finance registered the 1 millionth .au registration. We hope that all Australians continue to support small businesses such as Elite Finance."

auDA and AusRegistry launched the ‘1 Million .au domain names’ advertising campaign in November 2007 to highlight the impending milestone and to thank all Australians for supporting .au and making it Australia's domain name of choice.

"We wanted to celebrate the achievement as well as acknowledging the support Australians have shown by registering .au over .com or any other domain.”

Mr Kinderis believes that a combination of factors have been responsible for the growth of .au including reduced domain name pricing, a regulated, governed environment, technical stability, competition at the retail level, a consistent, high level of customer service and targeted .au marketing campaigns.

Mr Disspain added that the domain name policies and consumer safeguards that underpin .au protect the interests of .au Registrants ensuring a level of confidence not seen in countries elsewhere.

Thats actually pretty impressive, i wonder how many domains have been registered in other countries around the world?

