$50,000 Grand Prize at the Beer Pong Championships in Las Vegas!

These pussies don't know how real champions played the game. These guys are just throwing ping pong balls across the table. When I was in law school we played a lot of beer pong tournaments, and it was not this easy!

These were the rules of Beer Pong at the University of North Dakota, famous for having a lot of time to waste during long winters:

1. Each team must have 2 players
2. Each player must use a special "Beer Pong" Paddle -- a regular paddle with the handle broken off and all the rubber removed
3. Only Busch Light beer may be used, lest the players enjoy drinking it too much and try to lose
4. Each side places their cups on the table using the same layout as "Battleship". 5 cups in a row for the aircraft carrier, 4 in a row for the battleship,, etc.
5. Fill every cup to within 1/2 " of the rim but not to the top
6. Ping Pong rules apply. Coin flip to serve the ball. Players may NOT use hands to touch the ball! Only the modified paddles.
7. When you hit an opponent's glass with a ball, the opponent's team must drink 1/2 of that glass. If you land a ball into an opponent's glass, they must drink all that remains in the glass.
8. If you sink a ball into a glass and that glass is part of a "ship" that is 1 1/2 glasses or less, opponents must drink all the beer in those glasses and the "ship" is sunk
9. Winner sinks all opponent's ships
10. Loser cleans up the table for the next round

I once finished 4 rounds. By that time, I don't remember who won~
