February 5, 2008
Lavender Lounge Studios


Lavender Lounge Studios is pleased to announce the launch of it's newest website, LavenderLoungeVideoBlog.com, featuring webcasts of gay porn related topics as well as comedy and editorial commentary aimed at viral distribution.

"I've been writing a text-based blog since the beginning of 2003," says Mark Kliem editor of the award-winning LavenderLoungeBlog.com and founder of GayPornBlog.com. "Back then, bloggers were mostly writing personal diaries about their job, dating and what they had for breakfast. There was a lot more give-and-take in exchanging links and creating community. I didn't really have much competition from other bloggers covering the pay porn beat."

"My writing was focused on namedropping gay porn studios, directors, movie titles and porn stars, with plenty of references to mainstream culture, and I always included a picture to keep it visually engaging. The search engines ate it up, and the site became very popular the first year."

With success comes imititators, also fueled by the explosion of social networking sites that include blog features. "Studios, membership sites and porn stars loved it when I mentioned them on my blog. Now they all have their own blogs but still expect me to promote their products without reciprocation. There are tons of gay porn blogs out there copying what I've been doing for five years, many with no outgoing links. It's become very one-sided and ruined the community aspect of blogging."

To maintain his reputation as an innovator and work with his competitors instead of against them, Mark Kliem has decided to add share-able webcasts to his well-established blog presence.

Combining Flash Video with an open source "tube site" page design, LavenderLoungeVideoBlog.com (LLVB) will be the repository for webcasts featured on Lavender Lounge's main blog site, LavenderLoungeBlog.com. Visitors to LLVB will not only be able to view the webcasts all in one place, but each video will have its embed code and page link code readily available for viral distribution.

"Text blogs are soooo 2003 - and you can quote me on that!", jokes Kliem. "When I promote a movie or interview a porn star with a webcast, I'm hoping the video gets posted to other blog sites, even my competitors', but my real focus is to create original programming that promotes my own products and gets distributed virally."

Along with gay porn themed webcasts, LLVB is also divided into categories of "Comedy" and "The Epistle".

"I have tons of originally produced comedy skits, interviews and music performances left over from my Public Access TV show in the early 1990's that I can re-purpose on the video blog. Even after the Public Access show ended, I continued to produce skit comedy with a few friends just for our own amusement. This will be the first time that material will be available for wide distribution."

As a long-term member of San Francisco's iconic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc. (TheSisters.org), Mark Kliem's alter-ego Sister Zsa Zsa Glamour (SisterZsaZsa.com) hopes to utilize "The Epistle" as his soap box to stir up discussions of queer politics, freedom of speech, and health issues. As the spirit moves them, other Sisters will be invited to contribute as well.

"Instead of being just another be-speckled 50 year old ranting about politics on YouTube, my words will get a lot more attention when I paint my face and wear a nun's habit on LavenderLoungeVideoBlog.com," adds Kliem. "The Sisters have been doing that on the streets for 30 years. It works."

The main features of LavenderLoungeVideoBlog.com are:

-it's a free site with revenue generated by advertising.
-Flash videos can be viewed full screen.
-Embed codes and Page Link codes are readily available to encourage file sharing and viral marketing.
-"Video Blog" section featuring topics related to gay porn.
-"Comedy" section featuring all original humor for mainstream cross-over.
-"The Epistle" section featuring editorial opinions by Sister Zsa Zsa Glamour (SisterZsaZsa.com) and other members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc. (TheSisters.org).

January 2008 also marks twelve years that Mark Kliem has been working full time in the adult industry. Highlights of his career include:

-Produced and directed eight features for Brush Creek Media.
-First employee of Naked Sword.
-Founder and first editor of Gay Porn Blog.
-Launched Naked Sword’s “The Daily Report” (now called “Tim and Roma Show”.
-Judged GayVN Awards since 2001.
-Produced webcast show "Reel Guys Reviews On Video" 2004-2005 (ReelGuys.org).
-Nominated for five Cybersocket Awards and won "Best Blog" in 2005.
-Nominated for Xbiz "GLBT Web Company of the Year".

Upcoming projects for Mark Kliem and Lavender Lounge include:

-Producing and directing his own line of DVD’s for MuscleBearCub.com.
-Researching “lost” gay porn movies from the 1970’s for re-issue on DVD.

Lavender Lounge Studios web sites:

LavenderLounge.com - membership based mega-site.
LavenderLoungeBlog.com - award-winning gay porn blog.
MuscleBearCub.com - social networking and membership based niche site.
LavenderLounge.biz - affiliate program paying 50% commission. Join the fun!

Press materials and hi-res color press photos: