So i was just having a conversation with someone on AIM and the conversation turned to the layout of one of our resource sites.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, i was basically told that how i had the banner and buttons setup on the site was all wrong now, i know that i am always screwing around with the layouts of paid ad spots to ensure our advertising clients get the best ROI we can give them but, to me, telling someone that they are doing something the wrong way just because it isnt done elsewhere seems kind of fucked up

Ill run my business and you run yours LOL

I just dont get what the fascination with what everybody else does in the industry is, so what if i have a banner at the bottom of a page, its obviously there for the simple reason that it works otherwise, it wouldnt be in that placement LOL

Anyway thats my kinda rhetorical question come thought come rant over and done with

