This was really in the plans even before I came on board~ is looking for gay directors or content producers that can make very good fetish gay content and work in San Francisco. Each of the current websites is operated by a director who is really into the niche that he/she produces and authenticity is very important. I thought this board would be a good place to put this up and I don't think Lee will mind a bit of spam from a long time poster.


SAN FRANCISCO — Online fetish producer is currently seeking proposals for gay and bisexual website content, with the possibility of expanding the company’s existing family of BDSM-oriented websites.’s network of sites launched in 1997 with and now has 13 sites on its roster, including,, and, among others.

The sites are produced by directors with expertise in their particular genre, as well as active BDSM lifestyle participants.

"What's different about is that each of our directors brings an interest, fetish or obsession to her or his website," founder and CEO Peter Acworth said.

"We don't just produce erotica that makes money; we produce erotica that turns us on," Ackworth added. "We're looking for an experienced director of gay erotica who's also a fetishist and who wants to see his erotic dreams made into reality."

Independent video producers and experienced video artists can submit their proposals at

A disclaimer can be viewed at the submissions page, and applicants should also visit the site to review the “About Us” and “Values” pages.

Interested parties should submit a 100-200 word overview of the proposed site along with a brief resume outlining video production and directorial experience, as well as an explanation of interest in the particular fetish represented. If possible, producers should include links to their online content. For those who have material only on DVD, samples may be requested by after reviewing of the proposal.