My Phoenix Forum ended early this year as I was coming down with the worst flu of my life. Not since chicken pox have I been so totally decimated by illness! Although I made it to the barebacking forum Saturday morning, I was hurting. I left the Palms before the sun went down and crawled into bed Saturday evening, not to get out until Thursday afternoon. It started with a heavy cough that felt like it was coming from the center of my chest, then constant feeling of exhaustion, body aches, fever, alternating chills and sweats, and diarrhea that would have made tub girl proud. I drank plenty of water but still lost 5% of my body weight in 5 days. I could not talk and just rolling over caused a coughing fit bringing up some nice thick globs for the bowl next to the bed. A trip to the bathroom was so exhausting I would nap for an hour afterwards.

Since I was at the Forum, you may call me Typhoid Mary. I hope I didn't give it to anyone!!

Anyone trying to reach me this week -- this is why I have not been available. Thursday afternoon was the first time I had the strength to get out of bed and get online.