I'm still totally obsessed with starting my business, and I'm still not any closer to actually being able to! I have the website done, I've managed to collect a few of the materials and supplies I need, but the main things like .com and hosting, packaging, labels, digital camera, etc are still out of my reach.

I went to ManPower yesterday and tested for 3 hours, only to be told afterward "Well, we don't really have any jobs available at this time." They could have told me that to begin with grrrr. I tested 97% in business skills and 92% in industrial, so I doubt they were lying. I can't even get a fucking job at McDonalds and it's pissing me off. Not to mention I have 20/40 vision and my glasses are history so it would be a serious safety risk for me to work outside of my home and someone would have to drive me until I can get some glasses.

Does ANYONE have any extra work I can do to try to raise the funds? I can do just about anything, from TGP pages to AVS to ad banners, anything, and I can do it cheap and well! My goal is $500 starting capital, if anyone can help me get closer to that goal please post or pm me!

By the way, if anyone was following my posts, the bf's big sister finally left her apt after being evicted, sending her depraved nasty half pit bull out here! It has some kind of nasty problem and bleeds from its back end all the time and scares me because like I said it went crazy from not being fed. So I'm stuck in the house now *groan* Plus those two stray puppies I built a doghouse for won't come out from under the house now, she has bitten them both half to death. Get me OUT of here!