Hey everyone,

A member just notified me that he saw my photos being sold as prints on Ebay. So I checked it out and sure enough they were. And that's not all. I checked the other items and there are dozens of photos ripped off from other producers. See if this guy is ripping you off and report him to EBay. What astounds me is that this guy is an EBay "PowerSeller" with high rankings!!! He's been doing this for a long, long time and EBay has let him. Fracking amazing!

To stop this asshole I bid $100.00 on my photo set which is listed at $3.55. This will of course stop the auction. You may want to do the same thing.

To see his stuff sign in to Ebay and verify that you're an adult. Then use the link below.


Let's take this fucker down!