Have a question for anyone who imports Mini-DV and DV-Cam into their computers for editing.

We have used the Sony DSR-11 for years. WHEN they work, they do a great job with the ability to handle either the Mini-DV or the larger DV-Cam tapes.

Problem is the damn things keep breaking down! We have 3 of them and I know that all three have been sent back to Sony at least twice for repairs. And, the repairs at Sony are NOT inexpensive, nor is the original cost of a DSR-11 and it ALWAYS takes Sony at least a month to get it back.

I was using one today and the damn thing didn't want to give me back my tape, and, of course, it is raw footage. I had to take it apart to get the tape back and fortunately had no damage to the tape, but it just isn't worth the risk. I'm either going to throw the damn thing away or find another brand that is more reliable and less sensitive.

I hate having to import with a camera because of the constant use on the heads.

I'm just wondering what others are using and how they work. Any suggestions and experiences you may had would be appreciated.

