Is anyone else noticing how traffic numbers are getting lower and lower?

Over the past few years there seem to have been an influx of people launching their own paysites or affiliating themselves heavily with one specific program or paysite, meaning that traffic levels are dropping because they arent spreading it across as many programs as they used to.

Has anyone else noticed this happening with people, it seems like it wont be long before everyone has their own paysite or a program they use exclusively and the traffic is going to be kept 'in-house' by everyone.

I know i started to do that with my paysites, once they were built and ready to start accepting traffic, i dropped about 15 sponsor programs i used on a regular basis and concentrated on sending as much of my traffic as possible to my own sites.

Your thoughts, is this where we are headed in the industry, keeping as much traffic as possible for ourselves and no longer working on things like link trades, etc?

