"WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Gay production and distribution company Channel 1 Releasing will open its first company store, Chi Chi LaRue's, in November."


I think an idea such as this is long overdue, and could very well set the stage for more big name production houses to do the same with their catalogs.

I re-acquainted myself with my old friend Chi Chi when she did an in-store release party for one of her titles at Hustler Hollywood in about 2005. She drew a huge crowd and really played the event well.

It just makes sense. There are so many real world examples of a product brand having their own store - clothing or what not - so why not adult?

At first I was a little worried about her new store setting up to compete with other DVD stores, but I think the time has come for this. 1) the address in the article is the same as the existing Drakes on GOOGLE, so perhaps the opening is more of a re-do of an existing store, and 2) as we have discussed here recently, stores just don't buy enough of the right inventory to do themselves or the studios any reason for their existence.

You go into an adult store, and there 2-3 minimum wage kids behind the cash & wrap. That doesn't do the store, the customer nor the studios any good as well.

Also, when you have a porn store with 100 things, people feel lost in the shuffle. Having a Chi Chi store, focuses the experience for the customer, and gets product into his or her hands much faster.

Drakes is not that big. The last time I walked around that block, the Hybrid was closed - that space to me would have really fit Chi Chi's catalog and ego - especially since she likes to host parties of hundreds of guests.