I was wondering, we all know that photo images work well as previews on movie paysites, in addition to actual screen grabs but i was wondering what you folks thought about using actual images on a tube site instead of screen grabs would work like?

Do you think a tube site inherently needs to use screen grabs from the clips or do you think 'actual' image content would work as well on tube sites as it does movie paysites?

Personally, i think so far as quality goes, using actual images for the preview thumbs would look a whole lot better which may give the surfer an idea that the clips are of a decent 'quality' but, at the same time, im thinking that screen captures might work better because its a tube site.

What do you folks think, should the 'quality' of the content (actual image content) or the fact it is 'movies' (screen captures) be the determining factor in what to use on a tube site for the thumbs?

