Im pleased to announce that after several weeks of development, our flagship Tube Tender site is available for pre-registered affiliates to beta test.

You can grab your linking code and promo banners for Gay Tube Access from the following URL:

Please be aware that this linking code will be the final one being used for the Gay Tube Access website once our affiliate program goes live so you have no worries about having to change your links at a later date.

Also, please be aware that the current location of the promo banners on the server will be changing, this means if you hotlink these graphics, once their location movies, they will not show up on your website.

During this beta stage, if any of you who pre-joined the affiliate program have any suggestions, comments or feedback about the flagship site, please feel free to PM me or post them in this thread.

We want to get as many improvements done to this site as soon as we can to ensure that the transition from beta-testing to full live product launch goes as smoothly as possible.

Hosted free sites, image and movie galleries are still being built and we are anticipating having over 100 available to beta affiliates sometime in the next 7 days.

Thanks again for your interest in pre-registering as a Tube Tender affiliate to help with the beta testing of our flagship site and i look forward to working with you over the coming months.

