I think this is great news. He's not open about his sexuality yet, so what. He's sexy, seems a nice guy and talented. I can't wait to have more kids via surrogacy in the next 2-3 years.

What are your thoughts on the Ricky Martin kids situation?


Oh, Ricky, they're so fine.

Twins Matteo and Valentino, we mean.

Born via surrogate in August, Ricky Martin's 4-month-olds make their mini debut in this week's People and People en Espaņol, on newsstands Friday.

The Puerto Rican singer, 36, opened up to the mag about the experience.

''Being a father feels amazing. This has been the most spiritual moment in my life,'' says Martin, who doesn't use a nanny.

``I'm the one who changes the diapers, the one that feeds them, the one that bathes them, the one that puts them to sleep.''

Why a surrogate mom?

''Adoption was one option, but it's complicated and can take a long time.'' Surrogacy was ``intriguing and faster.'' FULL STORY