So not only is the Gay community the carrier of all the worlds diseases, we are now the new nemesis to teen pregnancy statistics! Lesbian and Bisexual teens are 2-6 times more likely to get pregnant then heterosexual girls!

Do you believe this? Is there some kind of hidden agenda here I'm not seeing? Perhaps being Gay is a choice? Gays are more irresponsible? Something else maybe?


Ottawa - Despite declining teen pregnancy rates over the past decade, a large gap still exists between lesbian and bisexual (LB) youth as compared to heterosexual youth. A study conducted by the University of British Columbia has found that LGB students have a two to seven times higher risk of teen pregnancy than heterosexual students.

This risk is explained by higher rates of discrimination, sexual abuse, and harassment. The study released in the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality is based on the BC Adolescent Health Survey.

Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, the CIHR-funded lead author, is available to discuss the high rate of teen pregnancies in LB youth and the implications of these findings. In addition, Dr. Joy Johnson, Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Gender and Health, is available to put the findings in context and talk about the importance of this study. FULL STORY