That non-adult webmaster forums are pretty much shit when it comes to sharing information with other webmasters/publishers.

For the past few weeks Brandon has been trying to establish himself on several of the larger mainstream webmaster forums and i have to say, he really does seem to be the only person on these boards actually giving out information that is actually of use to anyone.

For example, a thread i saw earlier that he posted in about getting more clicks on PPC publisher programs on the affiliates website, all of the replies except his basically said 'i dont know how to do it' then he posted some great information about how ad placement and the type of sponsor using AdWords actually increases each clicks revenue then everyone else basically started saying 'ad placement is the best way of doing it' LOL

Do any of these non-adult webmasters actually make any money? :eek:

I mean 'ad placement' is a simple concept that even the most green newbie can understand, isnt it?

