Does this type of detail matter to you when you are searching for a new affiliate program to join, for example, if they are using NATs, CCBill, Epoch, or if they are using a specific backend CMS, etc, etc?

I must admit to me that typically the only type of program i wont promote is an Epoch based program but thats for personal reasons, the other stuff, NATs, CCBill, MPA, Carma, CCBillTools, etc, etc, etc... Doesnt really matter to me at all so long as im going to be paid.

Do you think it matters if an affiliate program mentions this or not on their webmaster site to the general webmaster population? I know a few years back everyone went jumping to sign up to NATs based affiliate programs but i see fewer and fewer requests for NATs bassed programs posted on the boards lately.

Is this type of information actually needed do you think or is it just a way for the program owner to add 'extra' features to their site that really dont mean a whole lot of anything to affiliate webmasters?

