Will have exactly what surfers and affiliates say one needs on it.

It will be offering daily updates with exclusive HD content sets (1000MB streaming movies and images shot exclusively too at 5000px by 12000px).

Im going to be offering free one week trial joins to all 50 exclusive content paysites with a sing,e free join, not have limited trials, will offer HD FHGs and hosted free sites, which will also update each and every day, ill have hosted RSS feeds, free hosting for affiliates and ill even register a new domain for each affiliate sale that gets made... Exclusively for the affiliate to use.

At the same time ill be paying out $100 per free join and not have any upsells or cross sells on the sites at all, no filler content, no leased feeds, nothing else but, i will launch each of these 50 exclusive content sites with over 100 exclusive shoots in them at launch.

Im also going to offer free partner accounts at every single TGP and.. Ill even hire someone for each affiliate that signs up to build and submit sites and galleries for you.

In addition, each affiliate that signs up, will be given a signon bonus of $500 just for signing up and i will also hire a designer for you exclusively every day you make a sale to create banners for your specific needs.

I figure i should officially be bankrupt within 2 hours of the program launching which i beleive would be a record

Then to top it all off, when it comes time for the surfer to end the free trial period, what ill do.. And this is the really good part... Ill make it so that instead of having to rebill, their membership automatically renews to a full free monthly membership so that they can access all 50 of these exclusive, daily updated members paysites for free, 24/7/365 - while still paying the affiliate who sent the freeloading porn surfer $100 for each monthly free rebill

