We are proud to announce the launch of the new version of SexGoesMobile.com

Simple navigation and powerful promo tools are available now to help our Partners to attract more users and hence generate even greater revenue.

The mobile Internet is booming and this is a fact. Therefore, we decided to re-launch our website with a sleeker look and with added functionalities that will make it easier and more enjoyable to surf the mobile internet.

Starting today, we unveil our new look... In recent months SexGoesMobile has expanded and added many new features. This is the result of the overwhelming feedback we have received in the recent years and months from our loyal partners.

In SexGoesMobile 2.0 you will find great new tools that will make it easier and more effective to sales our solutions. Our partners have been reassured that they current services level will not be impacted by the re-launch.

As you navigate our new website and use our new tools, please give us your feedback on way we can improve. We strive to provide a powerful tool to support you in your sales effort. We welcome any new enhancement requests that we will carefully evaluate for future releases or support you directly to meet your needs. We are grateful for your continuous support.

This is only the first step in our continuous commitment to our Partners. We won't stop here; we will regularly develop new services, products, promo tools and more surprises - Promised!!!

The new Web2Mobile Tools

Up to 10% of the traffic on internet site is generated by mobile users. This trend is here to stay and it is expected to grow. Monetize now on this untapped revenue potential.

The early days of mobile internet are a vague memory; today’s mobile internet is a new and established reality. We all have learned from the growing pains of the early days and as we matured in this industry we have learned how to maximize the potential of SexGoesMobile’s Affiliate Program.

For this reason, we have developed ways to help you convert your mobile traffic successfully. The answer to this question resides in our Web2Mobile tools. Our new tools will assist you in converting your mobile traffic immediately. Furthermore, we have introduced sexy banners that can be implemented on your website to capture the attention of your mobile users.

We are excited for the launch of SexGoesMobile 2.0 and hope our slogan will always be with you...

"SexGoesMobile... and life is rich”

Your SGM Team