Okay here's the deal, for the past couple of days the guy im using to do the redesign of our http://www.ebookwebmasters.com affiliate program have been trying to come up with an idea for an image to use as the main focus on the new affiliate program site (preview can be seen here) but so far we're really bombing when trying to find something that will work.

I wanted to get a few suggestions from you folks on what we can put as the main image as we're really not having any good ideas ourselves.

So, do you folks have any suggestions on what type of image we can use instead of the netbook image that is there now, that would suit a non-adult ebook affiliate programs?

Any and all suggestions would be appreciated and if you happen to have some kind of 'visual' aid to show what you mean pic wise that would also be a great help

Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions you can offer

