A Request for Traffic

At the end of May, I started my Eiropean adventure. I went to Poland where within 2 days I developed Bronchitis because it was 55F and the heat in the building gets shut off in March. A few days after that the "cold" went into my right eye.

Three doctors misdiagnosed the condition from simple conjunctivitis to a bacterial infection.

So I left Poland and now am in Belgium where a French doctor has correctly diagnosed it as a viral infection, probably related to the pesky herpes simplex family that brings us the common cold, cold sores, fever blisters, shingles, chicken pox and warts.

Man, is this expensive! I've got about $400 parked in the treatment of my eye so far, and he says it will be weeks more because of the wrong treatment.

And in a couple of weeks I'll be in the US, and paying thru the nose for treatment there. Right now, I can basically see light out of my right eye. I wear sunglasses even in dim lit rooms. Outdoors is truly painful.

So if any of you webmasters could drive some traffic to my VOD theaters, you could make some money while helping me with my Dr and Rx bills.

These are my Theaters. Just edit the links below to put in your webmaster ID as appropriate. If you do not already have a webmaster account with any of these, you can use my ID as a referrer.

THANKS in advance...



X On Demand
