Anyone having the same problems, or know of a solution?

I use a Mac. (For whatever it's worth, brand new Norton Antivirus installed and no viruses detected.) I've used FF for a few years, not much problems until lately. The problems magnified since I downloaded FF 3.5.2. Most places on the internet and everyone else's sites are OK.

My sites are Wordpress (and all in progress). One is working OK. The other two are not at all, meaning I'll click on a link to another page and it never gets there, or I get an error message. That's after the were working totally fine, and I have no idea why all of the sudden this happened. Then the next day it will work, then I try it again only a minute later and it won't, and nothing else will period. The dashboard can be like this too, really slow.

Godaddy is slow and crashes a lot. Sometimes every day, and even every 15 minutes, particularly using their FTP client. This has happened with earlier versions of FF, but is at least as bad if not worse with the latest FF.

I don't know what is happening. Safari sometimes works and sometimes does exactly the same things, too.