If you have ever needed a few sexy images for a design project then you'll be thrilled to hear that a new site has just launched, and named of all things: www.adultstockphoto.com

Says site owner Mario B:

"Our stock photo site focuses on selling individual quality adult images, short video clips, erotic vector art and illustrations to both adult industry professionals as well as discriminating buyers. Our main customers are web-designers, content managers and art directors looking for strong images usually for promotional or editorial purposes. We have competitive prices and offer all the standard services and features you would normally find in a mainstream stock photo site.

What makes our site interesting for web designers such as yourself is really the fact that we sell individual images and not full sets or full-length videos. You can thus buy only the images you need and pay much less. A great way to add some sexy elements to your website project, an erotic image to represent your editorial piece maybe or a raunchy vector graphic to complete your promotional ad campaign.

Alternative, affordable and royalty free!"

They are also looking for photos and clips from producers, so check it out if you have some stock photo quality material you'd like to sell and earn a few extra bucks for.