We just had a director in Oklahoma City, OK. He filmed.... Well... The whole movie was done (Titled "Oklahoma Bareback.") So our director went sight seeing to get video captures of the monuments and stuff to show that the movie was really filmed in Oklahoma. Our director went to the suburbs of Oklahoma City to film the last part. All of the sudden, these hillbillies came running after him with shot guns... They ran him outta town . It's funny, he said they were pure hillbillies... the trucks, beards, overalls, boots, the whole 9 yards. HAHA. But we got our DVD done, and nobody was hurt in the least bit. His words were, "I felt like I was on the Beverly Hillbillies show and grandma with the shotgun was chasing after me (even though it were all men.)"

In their defense, he did have on a company shirt with a big video camera.

But we all pictured these "hillbillies" who live on gutted down farm land chasing after him. He was outside the city limits.