I'd like to know what you think of that site.
I tried it 5 minutes, and then i did some quick maths and remove all links.
The system is great, and pridebuck did a great job, but the prices are too low to be interesting.

Most PayPerClick links are between 0.05 ans 0.10$/click.

Now if I compare with the banners with my affiliate code that i place on my sites :
My average convert ratio is 1/500
Let's start with a 35$ commission which is my standard.

35$ every 500 clicks sent to the sponsor, that's a 0.07$/click value. So if i sell my space below 0.14$, i lose money (GayAdsPros keep 50% of the sales). I check lots of publishers and none of them sell over 0.10$/click.

If i use banners provided by the sponsor, my CTR is generally below 0.5%, because the banners are often bad designed and far too much exposed to catch the eye.
If i create my own exclusive banners, i get between 1-4%

Now considering that most sites buying ad space use bad banners, with a very low CTR, I lose far more money because instead of selling space to bad banners with low CTR using the payperclick price, i could have used my own exclusive 1-4% CTR banners and get more money from them.
And the PPC price is a bad thing for the publisher, but a very good one for the buyer, who doesn't need to improve his banners.

So i don't get it. What so many sites use the system and sell their ads at such a very low price ? Haven't they just done the math ? Is my math wrong ? Am i missing something ?
I'm starting to think i should rather buy banners there rather than selling my space.