I know this is stupid... I'm usually always the one helping out with advice to others. But this time the tables have turned! :deadhorse:

I am working on some side jobs.

I hear everyone talking about "Free Sites" but I don't understand what exactly are free sites. I know there's tubes, blogs, TGP's out there. But what exactly are the others that are considered "free sites?"

Secondly, We basically only have 3 blogs that update a few times a week. I read about every thread on the boards. There has been several incidents where guys were talking about how they manage 50+ blogs. One guy had over 150 blogs. They talk about how much money they make, how they do, etc.

I'm not asking because "I want to make more money" I'm doing this because I want to spread the word more that we're here. Hello! Come visit us! type situation.

Can you guys give me advice on your experiences of managing many blogs? How do you create them (ie niche based, model base, sponsor based, etc.)

How do you manage them all? How many updates do you do on each per week?

How can I create "free sites" that I didn't mention to develop a bit more traffic.

Things like that. Any piece of advice would be fantastic!
We're really not at a stage to begin a tube site. Our current hosting solution / server is not compatible with that. We do have a couple new hosts in the works to specifically host these. We're hoping soon we can manage that sort of thing.

Any advice would be fantastic!

Thank you guys!

Great big huge hugs!