Hi gang,

I wanted to post that I am taking some needed time off... We've been through so much since our move to California from today through this past Memorial Day...

Instance 1: http://forums.gaywidewebmasters.com/...31&postcount=1 We put her down.

We rescued another dog last week, a 8wk old puppy.

Yesterday, he started showing symptoms of what the vet thought was Parvo. He tested positive. HOWEVER, we discovered today that he tested positive for Parvo because he's in between his 2nd and 3rd stage of puppy shots. He does not have Parvo... It's something worse....

Today, he was doing great! Playing, running, having fun! Doing what a puppy does best. I left to Walmart for about an hour to get some stuff. I came back home after leaving him for a little less than an hour. Before I left I put him in his play pen, when I got back he was lifeless. He was in extremely bad state.

Right now, he is stable. Since 11AM this morning he's started coming around. He's blinking his eyes now, breathing better, his gums look better, he's stretching out his legs, but he still has a long ways to go. His chances of living or passing is 50/50. The next 72 hours are very critical.

After putting down the other puppy not even a month ago, now this... I'm taking it pretty hard.

We do think he's going to pull through. He's a 9wk old Terrier mix with possibly doxan (not sure how to spell it).

The animal hospital we took him to this morning is keeping him for the next 72 hours for observation. We spent all day with him today. Tonight at 9PM (3.5 hours from now) we will know more on his well-being.

IF he comes home, he will be very fragile and will be on an IV. Someone will have to be with him 24 hours a day. He's in a very crucial state.

His symptoms right now are what looks like Rat Poison. However there are none around for him to get into. The vet does not know what it is yet however they're taking a liver biopsy this evening and more extensive blood work. We'll have results and will know more in the morning.

Please keep your fingers crossed for us.

After going through this twice, I need some time off to "recuperate" myself and be certain this puppy gets the care that he needs.

I'm taking about 10 days away. I will be checking my emails periodically.

Blake will be covering for me. You can email him directly at: blake (at) amadvideos.com. He will be covering for our Anti-Piracy Program with CombatPiracyNow.com and will be managing our affiliates.

I hope all of you have a fantastic weekend.