You've all probably noticed I haven't been here blabbing on the board this week. My fucking computer died! There was a HUGE ass thunder storm, so I unplugged my computer, but I forgot the damn phone line. Lightning actually hit my house, it sounded like a giant whip being cracked. I jumped up out of bed and screamed and all the lights blew out, which was bad enough, but then I figured out the real damage.

The modem went, I was swapping it out when the hard drive crashed, then boom, the power supply went too! So it's dead, and i'm shit out of luck. I borrowed a friends old one for a few days but after that I'm screwed.

So anyway, i'm sick to death of shit like this, when it rains it pours and I need some friggin flood insurance . So i'm going to make my final plee here:

My golden idea is here for anyone who is interested, i'm ready and willing to partner with anyone who can help me get it up and going. The costs are insignifigant but beyond me (and now include a cheap replacement tower ). It is a SURE THING, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it would bring in massive traffic, quality traffic even. It's 100% original, there is nothing like it, and it's completely brilliant. Cheap and easy to set up, easy to update, HUGE amounts of fun and entertainment for the entire GLBT community with marketing options that make me giddy. It could be online in a matter of weeks!

If ANYONE is interested in breaking into something new and has a small amount of capital to put up to partner with me I have the time and drive to put into making it happen, but I need help.

Whats in it for you? Ad space, LOTS of it. Your site being advertised to a huge portion of the online GLBT market. The site itself is not adult, but contains some adult text content and is 18 and up, and will have adult advertisements and contests with adult prizes. And of course ad revenue, merchandising, etc. This thing is going to take off like wild fire once it is out there. The fact that a site like this dosn't exist boggles my mind, in my opinion we need it!

Everything is planned, designed, and ready to go, but i'm very flexible to new ideas and directions too. This is a completely untapped market and would probably generate a large buzz/amount of press. It is sure to get writeups in ALL the big GLBT publications, and plenty of word of mouth advertising.

This really is a great opportunity for anyone willing to put in what I cannot, i'm ready and willing though and hope I can find the support I need here, I absolutely refuse to give up on it and i'm tired of sitting on it. If anyone is seriously interested in doing this with me, please let me know asap. I will fill you in on the details.

Wish me luck everyone please! I'll go crazy if I don't get something positive going soon!