I'm thinking about buying the JMB server edition of their TGPX script, which is now available for a mere $50. I'd have one control panel and the ability to put a tgp on literally every site I have on my server.

Part of me is thinking this would be a nice added feature to a lot of my blog domains, something I can control from one installation instead of having to build galleries using a plugin of some sort on each one individually.

I know sponsors are still putting out hundreds of hosted picture and movie galleries, so they must still be converting. Right?

My Questions are:

1. With the current tube craze are TGP's (thumbnail gallery post) past their prime?

2. Are there still good trades between tgp'ers? IE: So add a trade script?

3. Are webmasters still needing/submitting galleries and would I want to have partner accounts available?

4. Any sponsors care to share just what promo materials affiliates are asking for nowadays?