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BY BRENT ROSE OCT 20, 2011 3:49 PM 3,563 36 Share


New Adobe Flash Exploit Could Give Any Website Access to Your Webcam
A Stanford computer science student named Feross Aboukhadijeh has uncovered a pretty major security hole in Adobe Flash, in which somebody could turn on your Mac's webcam and mic and save that video for whatever nefarious purposes. Oh good.
Basically Adobe has a webpage you can access that allows you to determine which sites can have access to your webcam and mic. There is a way rip the code from that site, make it invisible, and then embed it in a webpage. Users visiting the page are tricked into making a series of seemingly innocuous clicks in what appears to be, say, a Whack-a-Mole type game, but in actuality you're clicking though the process in Adobe's code that opens up your computer to this site. Suddenly they have streaming video and audio of you, and you're probably none the wiser.
Click here to read all about it over at Gizmodo

and then click this link while aiming your camera at your junk so i can watch you