I know this is a webmaster board, but there are still a lot of us putting out our content on DVD.
I've done three DVDs to date with Pornteam. (Yay!) They're also on AEBN.
My newest one, Real Guys Exposed: Show & Tell 2 has some name pron stars like Colby Keller and Conner Habib.

My question is: How do I get the word out about these discs? Chris from Pornteam does a great job doing an email blast, but after that its just a matter of crossing my fingers. I know that's a bad idea.

So what more can I do to promote my DVDs past and present. Do my affiliates want to know? Would some kind of press release work? Has anyone rose had some success with a clever way to sell some discs? What do you do that works?

I'd really appreciate any advice you have.
Thanks so much!