We are proud to announce the launch of our 2 latest sites, a duo of amateur "ex-bf" style sites. Boyfeast and Tastytwink feature 18-23 year-old twinks and includes amateur self-shot content, weekly scene updates, download and streaming options, free mobile phone access and other features. The sites also include foot fetish and uncut cocks content.

To celebrate the launch, we will be having a HUGE promo from Dec 21st to Dec 31st: $50PPS / 70% Revshare!

You can bank on these being great converters - get your links up now!

As with all Stunner Media promos, there's no hoops to jump through to get the promo payout; your existing linkcodes will get the bonus automatically.

All sales tools are available for those 2 sites, and you can email us if you need any custom tools