I feel like a big boy - I just bought the Adobe $20/month license to Dreamweaver.

It's been a year since Lion broke my Adobe CS, and I had to go look for free equivalents, because the little I use any of the Adobe Apps, just prevents me from even thinking about $1500 to get back on.

I have enjoyed using my free PHP editor, but I need to get up to speed with CSS and AJAX stuff, so i got the $20 Dreamweaver license. Not that I haven't used CSS styes for several years now, but I want to start doing bigger and better things than just changing the color and underlining of links.

And avoiding style sheet conflicts when I try to do more than one CSS/AJAX thing on a page.

What are some good CSS/AJAX script repositories? Where we can get scripts that do specific things - like shopping carts, product catalogs, accordion collapse, floating windows...

I've got some bits and pieces, but I really should get to a bigger selection.