There are a lot of people on this board that never believe conversion ratios... I'm sure we won't change their mind but for the faithful amongst you, our trials pushed the ratio down to 1:124 and sales up roughly 400%. This won't last forever as we are ending the promo on June 30th, but while it lasts, throw some traffic at it with our new flash video banners and get paid!

Stunner Media Inc, Montreal -QC.
On Friday, Montreal based Stunner Media Inc announced details of its summer promotion for its flagship IndieBucks site,

The promotion started on June 19th and will end on the 30th, and it will see the addition of ?1/$1.95 trials to Affiliate payouts remained unchanged at $30PPS or 60% partnership.

A Stunner Media representative said ?We have seen a 400% increase in sales over the past three days with the addition of the ?1/$1.95 trial option, making BlakeMason the best-selling site across our entire network?

Stunner Media added that ?The first 3 days of this special has resulted in a staggering 1:124 ratio for BlakeMason. This is the first time surfers are offered trials on the main tour and clearly, they love it!?

Affiliates do not need to swap their link codes to take advantage of this promotion. In an effort to further help affiliates drive traffic, Flash video banners were added to and they are sure to grab surfers? attention. Any custom tools can also required can be requested from

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