This is the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) show here in Las Vegas. As part of that, independent film makers gather for their annual Super Meet.

It was last night. There were a couple thousand of us there.

The Super Meet is in two parts: A trade show with 50 booths for a variety of hardware and software vendors, and a series of group demonstrations, but mostly software (video editing) brands.

I had the best time, seeing hardware and software in action. Had some great visits with companies that had booths.

This year HP debuted as a sponsor, booth and demonstration, as they have some high-end, but not overly high-priced $3000) workstations, some of which were designed in consultation with big Hollywood studios (e.g. DreamWorks).

What I learned from that: In many post production houses, there will be a mix of Mac and PC workstations, with each doing their own part, with what they do best with hardware and software combinations.

e.g. An Editor may be editing in Final Cut Pro, while several others in the room may be using Macs or PCs to do color correction, or special effects, or masking, or rotoscoping, or sound design... not to mention even logging footage and clip management!

I took 60 pictures on my new iPhone 5S. Instead of uploading them here, I have them on my FB page. Apparently you must be logged in to your FB account. Be sure to Follow or add me as a Friend!

There was a CUTE group of guys from Boston representing an audio enhancement software company! With ties to Harvard!