So I just got home from hangin' out with a buncha hot 18-20yo straight guys.
I met em through a mainstream site that I used to administer. They're all members of it and we'd gotten to know eachother just through occasional chats online and what not.
But they lived all over the place so there was never any likelihood I'd end up hangin' out with any of em.
Lo and behold I get a buncha IMs from them tonight sayin' they decided to take a roadtrip to LA for shits and giggles and were in town and wanted to hang out.
So I headed up there and we all met up and just had a blast for several hours.
They'll be in town for another week or so and so we've already made plans to hang out some more.

It was just so random and spontaneous and so fun hehe

(and no sex, you pervs!)

What's odd is this website I work with is like a mainstream dating site with mostly straight guys and girls but I keep makin' great friends on it.

One guy used to keep hacking in to the site and fucking with it and so it fell to me to try and chase him down and figure out how and why he was doin' what he was doin'. I tracked him down and messaged him online all "Uh... why do you keep hackin' the site?" and from that point started daily conversations lasting hours and hours about tech stuff, hacking, work, personal lives, etc. He lives nearby also and we ended up becomin' good friends and hang out alot now hehe. And he's straight.

And a girl I met on there ended up movin to Georgia where she was datin' this super hot straight guy and she introduced the two of us, we became friends, she and him broke up but he and I stayed friends. And he's comin' out to LA to visit me next month!

And in Sept. I'm goin' to the wedding of another guy I started chattin' with online ages ago. We became good friends and he'd been pleadin' with me to be at his wedding so I'm goin up to Canada to be there!

Then these 4 straight guys tonight poppin' up in LA with a whole city at their fingertips and millions of things to do and see and what do they do? Call up me! Random! haha.

Now that I'm 28 I think I'm friends with more 20yo straight guys than when I was in college.

Screw meetin' gay guys online. I'm havin' more fun with the straight ones!

Anyways I'm just all hyper and stoked and it's 530am and felt like sharing 8)