
Danny from our team runs

We need permanent gay and tranny FHG's from SPONSORS (not affiliates - see below and in the next thread your opportunity lies !!) for use there, in several TGP's under development and a large archive project which will be used in a number of other projects.

Now we could have just gone to or, but I figured I'd like to "keep it in the family" and use GWW'ers only.

This place has been pretty good to me and to us, and it's the people here and Lee's stewardship that make it that way. Reward the sponsors and reward the sponsors who frequent here as well.

It doesn't matter if you are big or small, one site or one hundred, we want them ALL, and we WILL use them all.

Won't be loads of traffic in the first instance, but they will be exposed more and more as the next few months unfold and you can expect nice and steady traffic for a LONG time.

Now so we don't seem to be circumventing sigs and the efforts of people who post (in fact we actively encourage that - it's good for everyone), we welcome the sponsor in nominating a GWW'er who is an existing affiliate of yours and carries your sig here to receive any applicable referral benefit (i.e. we will sign up under their link) and post who you are giving the benefit to here and why if you like.

So send Danny and email at with a signup link (the one for your best representative here) and a list of FHG's as follows:

gallery_url | description

Include details of what needs to be changed to add our ID please :-)

It will be "first in best listing" as far as the page structures go, so get to it.

And thanks to everyone in advance.
