I have spent more than a month getting ready to launch a website in order for me to sell my art. It can be found here:


Today I was finally ready to start testing the actual downloading process. As a preventive measure, I called iBill a few minutes ago to ask them for advice before I started testing. I was then shocked when the customer service representative told me that iBill rejected my acount. He said it glorified violence, and that's what they rejected it. They supposedly sent me an e-mail telling me this, but if they did, it was probably lost with the spam, since I never saw it.

The legal and complaint departments are closed now (it's Sunday), so I won't be able to do anything about that until tomorrow.

Hey, if you go to my website and see my drawings, you will see it's a fantasy! It's not real! I'm not hurting anyone with that!

Anyway, what should I do now? Is there another provider that will process credit cards for me and will allow the content I provide? I went with iBill because I thought it was the best.

If they rejected my account, they better give me my $750 back.

I'm shocked, dissappointed, and pissed. All this time and effort getting my website ready, and it has been for nothing. Any ideas on what to do now, guys?

By the way, don't try to buy anything if you go to my web site. It won't work for obvious reasons.