Sites to promote : &
Average convert ratio 1:40 ! Real time stats. Semi-monthly payouts

The main benefits of our partnership program:

- Registering you get $20 as a special bonus
- For each active referral you get $20 and 5% from all his sales
- Our scheme is 50/50, i.e. we pay you 50% of all sales and rebills, and if you have more than
14 sales you get 60%
- We use the most stable billings there are: iBill and CCBill
- You get all your traffic back! If the surfer doesn’t subscribe we send him back to you!
- You can switch off trials
- There are different ways of getting your money - from our partnership program or a check
from the billings
- Detailed statistics for our webmsters
- Loads of promo stuff: banners, free content (photo and video), FHG
- Active webmasters get their own free host without limitations of space usage and traffic

With help of our money factory you’ll make a fortune !