...a bike. It's been a while since I was with a content production company, but it's a bit like riding a bike. You can go for years without doing it but once you hop back on you're just a riding fool!

Once again I am, porny. Working with 123bill at least gave me a bit of illusion that I was somehow further removed from the flesh...but I'm into my 2nd week here at ChiChiClicks and I must say...it's nice to be home again

Odd thing to say at a new job and 2500 miles from home eh? Although, this is my new home now and I feel very at-ease already. This brings me to my question. Till now, I've always been what I called "The Token Fag." If you don't know what that means, you're probably either straight or not working in the industry. Every big straight company has one. I defined the role for Pornication when I was with them. Don't get me wrong, that role certainly has it's place. It was nice to know that I had some experience they were willing to utilize and pay for. However, I'm loving the fact that I finally work for a gay company that produces QUALITY gay content.

There's so much that's simply understood here. I don't have to waste time explaining family terms to my co-workers (in fact, these LA boys are giving ME and education).

So here's my question: Given that EVERY situation has it's own set of pluses and minuses, what do you think are the good and bad points about working for a gay company vs. working for a straight company in the gay market?

Please email, icq or call me any time and please check my post in the announcements forum for more details about what OTHER new and exciting things are joining ChiChiClicks besides me