Hi all,

I'm sick and tired of not being able to find good quality bear and hairy man content. And I'd chop off an arm for skinhead photo sets. So the waiting game is over, my partner purchased a camera yesterday and we're off an running.

It'll be a couple of months before we're actually ready to shoot a model, but we've got some things to figure out. A couple of questions spring to mind, which could prove for some interesting discussion.

1. Lee suggested I get cards printed up and leave them in the washroom at my favourite bar, etc. Do you think it's a good idea to put my website URL on the card, directing them to a page of more information for models. Or is this a bad idea?

2. Should I put e-mail only on the card? Seems to me if I put a phone number I could be getting jerk off calls at 2 a.m.

3. If you have cards, where have you placed them that got you some good results?
