How would you like to have a partner account at a TGP where every surfer is a verified credit card owner, and has proven the willingness to purchase online porn? Well your opportunity is here. will be adding a TGP to their member's area, so everyone that views your galleries will be paysite members.

The TGP will be non-competing, in that the TGP will not use hosted galleries, will not use any traffic trading scripts and will not have any of their own ads.

You can submit up to 5 galleries a day, and can purchase multiple accounts. All this for only $50 a year!

The launch is scheduled for January 3, 2005, but you can begin submitting galleries immediately, so your galleries will be on the top on opening day.

For more details please see here.

Anyone that gets an account prior to 1/3/05 can submit up to 50 galleries a day up until 1/3 as he wants to make sure there are plenty of galleries there on launch date. After that is will go back down to 5 a day.

If you wish to get started, please send 5 sample galleries to so you can get qualified and then we will go to the next step.

Happy holidays.