I'm so bummed out!

Today I've been working for at least 18 hours trying to fix my toshiba laptop (my main puter for working cause it "used" to rock) ony now, it's a dead "lil 'ole toshiba

Disk Error
Disk Error
Disk Error
Disk Error
Disk Error
Disk Error

Argggggggg! I'm insane now (well, I was before but...not cause of that)

Ya know....I was sooooo stupid. I started making a load of sites on Monday. (Got about 7 done) I never backed up one, now they're all gone (I did upload 2 to the server)

Who would think you should "back up" every day?

I know it's been said before and I'll say it again....ppl, Back up your shit while you work!

Ok, I go cry now!